
PROCRASTINATION … It’s really NOT about NOT having the time! Face it, it’s about will and want-to. So what if you think of something you want to do and then you don’t do it?! I’ve certainly struggled with that myself; thinking of something to do, then feeling compelled to follow it through and feeling like I’m dropping the ball if I neglect to do so.

But these days I’m digging deeper, asking more questions: Just because I have an idea, do I really need to do it? Is it my very own responsibility to make sure it gets done just because I had the thought?! (I’m talking mostly about creative ideas here as you probably guessed). Is it OK to have ideas of doing things and then let those ideas/things go? Am I being lazy? OR is it something I don’t really care about doing, something that doesn’t necessarily enhance my life or make me a better person? Or simply something that was fun to think about but notbsomething I honestly want to commit time to doing? Sure, if you have a stack of bills to pay or a pile of laundry that needs doing, and you’re just being lazy, by all means kick yourself into gear and get ‘er done . If you’re depressed and can’t get out of bed, please, call your doctor or other professional or even a hotline and get the help you need and deserve.

What I’m talking about here is our habit of procrastination, our human tendency to put things off, even things that we truly want to do. I’ve been pondering this procrastination predicament since the coronavirus quarantine took over our lives a couple months back. Here’s where I’m at:

1. If you find yourself procrastinating, first STOP. Look it RIGHT IN THE EYE and ask ‘it’, what is really going on here? Just like you have to face fear, I’m suggesting we have to face procrastination. Stare it down. Look it in the eye. And find out what’s really holding you up.
2. If you deem something unimportant in your life picture, then have the courage to LET IT GO. Seriously, move on. So what if you changed your mind and realized that you don’t want to make the time to learn how to knit! It’s ok.
3. If it IS something you want/need to do, then take a little, tiny step in that direction …once a day, once a week, once a month … just a little step. Then another little step. And before you know it, you’ll be on your way to doing whatever it is that you REALLY WANT TO DO.

I have been making (short) lists of things I have decided I truly want to do. And each day or each week (depending on the thing), I’ve written down a step to take. Each time I take a step, I write down the next step. Some days I don’t get to my step. OK. No big deal. I aim to take that step the next day.

I find that NOT putting so much pressure on when I take the step is working for me. Writing it down does help. I see it. I’m reminded. And honestly it feels good to mark it off the list and write down something new for the next day! But even moving the missed step to the next day
feels good too.

Bottom line, spend some time with yourself figuring out what IS important, what matters, what makes you tick. Once you get that figured out, you get clarity on what you really want on your list of ‘things to do’. That list suddenly has more meaning and you find yourself WANTING to take steps to get whatever it is done or accomplished. Procrastination disappears. Magically!

And guess what’s magically delicious?! The Happy Lemon-y Hummus on our recipe page and you DO HAVE TIME TO MAKE IT because it takes, no kidding, LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES and it is delicious – some of the best hummus I’ve ever had.



‘Mommies Tell All’


CONFINEMENT … is a ‘State of Mind’.